To jest uproszczona wersja wybranego przez Ciebie wątku

Nowy album Kaski Krzak :) Aerial

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Czy ktos zdazyl juz sie dorwac do niego? Ja zamowilam sobie go na wczesny prezent swiateczny.

Nie moge sie doczekac zwlaszcza tej piosenki o pralce.... Wuthering Hights ciagle jest jedna z moich najczesciej odtwarzanych plyt.

Aha i zastanawiam sie czy by moze jej nie nadac honorowego czlonkostwa maluchow - jest to przeciez zadeklarowana kura domowa icon_smile.gif.
No widze ze wielbicieli K. Bush tu raczej nie ma ale co mi tam -
wkleje jej teksty z gospodyni domowej czesci albumu =- piosenke dla syna i o pralce icon_smile.gif

Kurcze u nas premiera dopiero jutro a podobniez w Pl juz dostepna.


Here comes the sunshine
Here comes that son of mine
Here comes the everything
Here’s a song and a song for him

Sweet kisses
Three wishes
Lovely Bertie

The most wilful
lThe most beautiful
lThe most truly
fantastic smile
I’ve ever seen

Sweet kisses
Three wishes
Lovely Bertie

You bring me so much joy
And then you bring me
more joy.


Mrs Bartolozzi

I remember it was that Wednesday
Oh when it rained and it rained
They traipsed mud all over the house
It took hours and hours to scrub it out
All over the hall carpet
I took my mop and my bucket
And I cleaned and I cleaned
The kitchen floor
Until it sparkled
Then I took my laundry basket
And put all the linen in it
And everything I could fit in it
All our dirty clothes that hadn’t gone into the wash
And all your shirts and jeans and things
And put them in the new washing machine
Washing machine
Washing machine

I watched them going ’round and ’round
My blouse wrapping itself around your trousers
Oh the waves are going out
My skirt floating up around my waist
As I wade out into the surf
Oh and the waves are coming in
Oh and the waves are going out
Oh and you’re standing right behind me
Little fish swim between my legs
Oh and the waves are coming in
Oh and the waves are going out
Oh and the waves are coming in
Out of the corner of my eyeI think
I see you standing outside
But it’s just your shirt
Hanging on the washing line
Waving it’s arm as the wind blows by
And it looks so alive
Nice and white
Just like it’s climbed right out of my washing machine

Washing machine
Washing machine
Slooshy sloshy slooshy sloshy
Get that dirty shirty clean
Slooshy sloshy slooshy sloshy
Make those cuffs and collars gleam
Everything clean and shiny
Washing machine
Washing machine
Washing machine
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